Sleep Routine in Babies: A Guide with Tips for Each Month of the Second Year

Sleep Schedule for Your Growing Baby: Step-by-Step Sleep Development from Month 13 to Month 24

One of the sweetest challenges of raising a baby is establishing their healthy sleep routine. The period from 13 months to 24 months is crucial for a solid sleep routine. We are here to guide you on this journey, eagerly awaited by parents, where each month marks a milestone. Here is our comprehensive guide to the sleep schedule for each month.

13 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

At 13 months, babies expend more energy as they start to walk, which can lead to changes in their sleep patterns. During this period, babies typically nap twice a day, usually in the morning and afternoon, with shorter nap durations while their nighttime sleep becomes longer and deeper. An average of 11-14 hours of sleep is ideal, and developing calming bedtime routines can be helpful in ensuring these sleep hours.

14 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

At 14 months, babies may find it challenging to fall asleep as they are now more curious and eager to explore. During this period, sleep rituals and nighttime routines become even more crucial. With increased levels of daytime activity, longer and uninterrupted nighttime sleep is expected. Gradually reducing daytime naps can help improve the quality of nighttime sleep.

15 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

At 15 months, babies tend to establish more consistency in their nighttime sleep, while becoming more selective with their daytime naps. During this period, most babies prefer a short afternoon nap. Nighttime sleep of around 10-12 hours is generally sufficient, and pre-sleep calming activities and storytimes play a key role in enhancing sleep quality.

16 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

Nighttime sleep becomes more important for 16-month-old babies, and daytime naps may become shorter. During this period, sticking to sleep routines closely helps in developing a solid nighttime sleep schedule for the baby. A calming bath, soft music, and dim lighting before bedtime can facilitate the baby's transition into nighttime sleep.

17 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

At 17 months, babies may be inclined to shorten their daytime naps. During this period, daytime activities and evening routines are important to support nighttime sleep. Engaging in calming and repetitive activities before bedtime helps maintain the sleep schedule.

18 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

For 18-month-old babies, daytime naps often consolidate into a single long nap. This nap serves as a preparation stage for nighttime sleep. To maintain the baby's sleep schedule overnight, it's important to carefully consider the timing and duration of daytime naps.

19 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

The sleep schedule of 19-month-old babies typically becomes more predictable. However, physical developments such as teething or growth spurts can lead to nighttime awakenings. To adapt to these changes, ample physical activity during the day and calming evening activities are essential. The baby's sleep schedule can be supported during this period with possible sleep training methods, leading to calmer nights for both parents and the baby.

20 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

The nighttime sleep of 20-month-old babies is generally more consistent. At this age, children typically require 12-13 hours of sleep per day, often with uninterrupted nighttime sleep and a possible afternoon nap. Parents can optimize sleep quality by maintaining bedtime routines and adjusting daytime nap durations to prevent frequent nighttime awakenings.

21 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

At 21 months, as children become more active, daytime naps may decrease or even disappear. Most children continue to sleep for around 11 hours at night, with a short nap during the day if they take one. Consistency in bedtime routines and activities is crucial to maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.

22 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

22-month-old babies tend to nap less during the day, leading to longer and deeper nighttime sleep. Babies at this age sleep an average of 11-12 hours at night, with daytime naps ranging from 1 to 2 hours. Maintaining consistent bedtime routines and activities is important for supporting their sleep schedule.

23 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

At 23 months, nighttime sleep becomes more regular, while daytime naps may become shorter. Consistency is key in sleep training, and as nighttime awakenings decrease, babies can transition to more peaceful sleep. Pre-sleep calming activities and nighttime routines facilitate the transition to sleep during this period.

24 Month Baby Sleep Schedule

By 24 months, most babies have established their sleep schedule, with an average of 11-12 hours of sleep at night. However, due to growing imaginations and quests for independence, some sleep challenges may arise. Parents should manage this period by maintaining sleep rituals and planning daytime activities that support nighttime sleep. Daytime naps may be limited to a short nap or even skipped on some days.

The sleep schedule for each month is prepared to help parents understand their baby's needs and support their sleep habits. It's important to remember that there can be changes in the sleep schedule based on the baby's growth and development stages. Every baby is unique, and these recommendations should be used as a general guide, with personalized approaches needed for each baby. For more information, you can also refer to our article "Sleep Schedule for Babies: First-Year Guide and Tips".